We usually don’t like to itemize. -- It very difficult to compare another CMS to what we're using, but if you really want to then you can check out this page to compare them. We usually don't feel the need to itemize every last little detail of the services we provide. This is not an attempt to hide things from you, we simply don't want to frighten you with all that minutia. However, we will be happy to review those point-by-point details with you during our telephone consultations. We want to make sure that you will be comfortable with everything about our service before you sign up. We're all about the service, and we would never ask you to sign up for a monthly service through an automated website form. We want to talk to you on the phone to make sure we're the right company for you. Take a look at the column on the right, in it we've itemized the more common feature questions we frequently hear. We will gladly discuss each in detail with you. We don't commonly show prices for extra features if they are already built in to our service. We usually don't think to tell you about all the things that are already free. However, for the record we have no limit on the number of pages, no limit for adding JavaScripts, we don't charge for home page sliders, we don't charge for staff pages, no limit for adding YouTube videos or other videos, a nifty syndication ability built in so you can share your website to Facebook, our product catalog already includes the ability to magnify product photos, and the Kitco widgets are free from Kitco so there's no need for us to charge for it. Please don't be afraid to ask us about that specific feature you are hoping for, we don't hide anything. |
323 Union Blvd Totowa, NJ 07512 Phone: 973-413-8211 |
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