We're not for everyone. -- We just have to say that right off the top. We've built a pretty solid method of helping retail businesses prune their business in such a way that they generate amazing future growth. We've also helped several startups and other small businesses take the first few steps towards understating what's needed to grow their business in this crazy internet world. It took us a long time to figure it out how to do that after working with more than hundreds of retailers. Surprisingly, a similar process works for all types of retail businesses, and service businesses. We've invested a lot of time tweaking our services for retail jewelers, jewelry manufacturers, e-tailers, and even jewelry designers. The trick is communication. If you don't like email, telephone calls, or if you feel that you hate getting phone calls from people who are trying to help you, well, then we're not for you. Our process starts with all-around website services, and if you pass the initial interview process we'll give you a quote that includes that all-around service. Where we really shine, or become "brilliant", is the attention to long term details that are more valuable to you, even though you won't yet understand why they are. But that's okay, because we'll explain it all to you along the way. We're here to be your long term collaborative business partner. We'll be the go-to people for your online identity without you, or an employee, needing to learn how to do it. We'll could help you learn enough about new technology to get you through your daily work, or you can request to be overloaded with new knowledge until you scream "Uncle!" Honestly, we do try to save you from learning internet technology that will be out of date tomorrow anyway, that's really what we're here for. Our mission to help those who realize their business is threatened by unknown internet technology, and other technology that customers are using. The advertising of years past doesn't work as well any more unless you change up how you're doing them. Are you one of those retailers who's store is left empty most days? If you're looking for someone to help save you from drowning, we're probably not the right company for you unless you are really willing to make changes to how you rung your business. There's no digital magic bullet that can save a declining business. The magic of the internet changes daily. We are the professional team that can help you navigate out of business troubles, and if you are willing to make the right changes, you can eventually relax at home at night or take a long vacation within 12 months. Some people want to just set up a website and forget about it. We'd prefer that you set up your initial website and plan for using it as part of your future growth. If all you really need is a simple brochure website that you don't want to update for 3 years, then, honestly you should look elsewhere for lower cost options that you can do yourself. |
323 Union Blvd Totowa, NJ 07512 Phone: 973-413-8211 |
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